• Card Security When Traveling

    Travel with peace of mind.

    • Call a Tech CU representative or login to Card Manager before you leave on a trip to set up a travel notification.
    • We will put a note on your account, which the Card Member Security team will review in conjunction with any transactions made with your Tech CU Debit and Credit Cards.
    • Keep in mind, however, that we may still elect to block your card for your protection.
    • When traveling please ensure you have more than one card with you in case of compromise or card closure due to fraud.

    For more information about this complimentary service, to report a lost or stolen card, or to report any suspected fraud on your Tech CU Debit or Credit Cards, send us a secure message or contact a Tech CU representative at (408) 451-9111 or (800) 553-0880.

    After Tech CU business hours (M-F 8am to 6pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm), you may also contact the Card Member Security team directly at (888) 241-2440 or (909) 941-1034 from outside the U.S.

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